Upcoming Events & News
Bears – Beware!!
To minimize your chances of an unwanted encounter, remove any birdfeeders, water dishes, dog food or garbage cans (except on your designated garbage day), so they aren’t drawn to your home.
For further information, call AZ Game and Fish @ 928/367-4281, Monday-Friday, during their 8-5 normal business hours, if you have a problem/nuisance bear to report.
The number for 24/7 service is: 623-236-7201
Quiet Hour
For years, but more recently especially, our “tranquil place of pine trees, peace and solitude” has been impacted by noise from additional traffic (more owners living on the mountain full or part-time), ATV’s passing through on their way to the National/Apache Forest (via our Fire Escape route), loose dogs, construction noise of new houses and many more visitors than in the past. Because of these reasons and more, the 2020-2021 Board of Directors approved and voted in a new “Quiet Hour Rule” effective January 21, 2021.