Pinetop Community Association

Our "Good Neighbor Community" since 1971, located in beautiful Pinetop, Arizona. The Pinetop Community Association (PCA), where we live good neighbor to good neighbor, in a unique alpine environment. We're here to provide you with information about your Association that we hope will be useful to you — our members.


Our Community

The Pinetop Community Association (PCA) has over 600 properties in five different units (platted subdivisions defined in the 1960's and developed in subsequent years). PCA was formed in 1971 as non-profit corporation registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission. PCA is NOT a planned community and therefore is exempt from Arizona laws regulating a "Planned Community" and the community governing body. More then 90% of properties have been developed, some owners have multiple adjacent lots which create a buffer space around the home. We are proudly a Firewise Community.


News & Events

Bears – Beware!!

To minimize your chances of an unwanted encounter, remove any birdfeeders, water dishes, dog food or garbage cans (except on your designated garbage day), so they aren’t drawn to your home.

For further information, call AZ Game and Fish @ 928/367-4281, Monday-Friday, during their 8-5 normal business hours, if you have a problem/nuisance bear to report.

The number for 24/7 service is: 623-236-7201

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Quiet Hour

For years, but more recently especially, our “tranquil place of pine trees, peace and solitude” has been impacted by noise from additional traffic (more owners living on the mountain full or part-time), ATV’s passing through on their way to the National/Apache Forest (via our Fire Escape route), loose dogs, construction noise of new houses and many more visitors than in the past. Because of these reasons and more, the 2020-2021 Board of Directors approved and voted in a new “Quiet Hour Rule” effective January 21, 2021.

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July 2023 Newsletter - VIEW



Our Pinetop Community is home to some of the most fascinating people, incredible views, amazing wildlife, the freshest of air, four seasons, golf and so much more. We really do live the life here, don’t we? PCA was founded with the intention of maintaining the beauty of the forest we can each call home. Times and trends may change, but Nature does not. I would like to take this opportunity to issue a timely challenge to all homeowners: Let’s be good neighbors! It benefits the entire community. Americans used to do that once upon a time. Let’s do it again, See you at the Annual Meeting on August 5th! ...Read More >