Fire / Emergency Information
You can check these pages for links to websites that monitor current fire status for the Navajo County and Emergency Information for the local area.
311 Info
North Eastern Arizona Public Information System.
Official Source of Emergency Information
Navajo County COVID-19 Information
It's our goal to keep you, your families and staff healthy! So, as we work together to keep each other safe, County offices will remain staffed and ready to help you by phone, email, mail, or on the County website
Winter Conditions
Navajo County - Snow Removal Policies
Navajo County Department of Public Works considers that the forecast of certain difficult driving conditions caused by snow and or ice warrant immediate response and work by its roadway maintenance forces to mitigate these driving conditions until weather allows driving conditions to return to normal.
Fire Status
For information about Firewise in the Pinetop Community Association, please visit our Firewise Information Page.
FirewiseUSA - Interactive Map
Interactive map showing local areas by typing the name in the box or zooming in to the area.
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests
Learn about Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, and check the Fire Danger Levels for the area.
Other Information
Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers of Navajo County
Our House/Business Watch Program helps provide a presence in your neighborhood. The program includes a weekly visit to your home or business. Overall observation as well as door and windows are checked. Anything out of the ordinary or questioned is immediately reported to you, the homeowner, manager or business owner.
Arizona Emergency Information Network (AzEIN)
The State of Arizona's official source for emergency updates, preparedness advice and hazards information, and related resources.
Arizona Interagency Wildfire Prevention
We are in this together Arizona. Wildfire prevention is everyone's responsibility.

Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management App
The application offers wildland fire information, fire restriction notifications and details, fire prevention tips, Office of the State Fire Marshal’s plans and payment portal, and forest health related information.
It also allows users to sign up for push alerts that will send notifications of any critical information, such as fires near their area, fire restrictions, even forest health concerns.
Users can also connect to the agency’s social media pages, get questions answered, and submit anonymous tips, photos, and other information.
The free mobile application can be found for IOS users on iTunes and Google Play for Android users and by searching Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management.
For more information, contact Tiffany Davila at 602-540-1036 or by email at