Quiet Hour

Effective as of January 21st, 2021
For years, but more recently especially, our “tranquil place of pine trees, peace and solitude” has been impacted by noise from additional traffic (more owners living on the mountain full or part-time), ATV’s passing through on their way to the National/Apache Forest (via our Fire Escape route), loose dogs, construction noise of new houses and many more visitors than in the past. Because of these reasons and more, the 2020-2021 Board of Directors approved and voted in a new “Quiet Hour Rule” effective January 21, 2021. It was legally written by our current house counsel, Wendy Ulrich, and applies to all homeowners of record within PCA boundaries. You’ll be able to find this and more minor changes on the PCA website, www.pca-az.org under Rules, Enforcement Policy and Fine Schedule after the April 15, 2021 BoD meeting.
But, in the meantime, here is the NEW QUIET HOUR RULE, which should be posted somewhere in your home for all visitors and guests. Their behavior choices and/or complaints by neighbors COULD cost you a significant fine!! The “Quite Hour Rule” shown under section 1.2a of our “Rules, Enforcement Policy & Fine Schedule, reads as follows below. It’s printed here in bold/italics to “Cut and Save” to get your attention!
1.2a Quiet Hour Rule
“Pursuant to the CC&R’s, which prohibit any use of property that unreasonably disturbs other
residents, quiet hours have been established between 10:00pm and 7:00am. During quiet hours, owners must ensure that no noise creates a disturbance to other residents including, but not limited to, large gatherings, music, construction activities, and barking dogs. If there is more than one complaint against a lot for a violation of quiet hours, the Association will give the breaching owner written notice of the violations and a date for a hearing before the Board of Directors. At the hearing, the Board may impose a fine against the owner of $250.00. Owners should inform their tenants of this rule, as owners are responsible for any violations of quiet hours by their tenants.”