A Firewise Community
Pinetop Community Association was officially recognized and designated as a qualified participant in the Firewise Communities / USA recognition program in November 2014. The program is renewed annually. Association members are encouraged to Contact the Board for more information on being Firewise!
In 2015 we first partnered with the Pinetop Fire District (PFD) to co-host an annual community Firewise Block Party. Please see the Events page for more information on this years date.
Our goal is to continue this annual event and be joined by other Firewise USA communities as we work together to get the Firewise message out to our White Mountain Community.

Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management App
The application offers wildland fire information, fire restriction notifications and details, fire prevention tips, Office of the State Fire Marshal’s plans and payment portal, and forest health related information.
It also allows users to sign up for push alerts that will send notifications of any critical information, such as fires near their area, fire restrictions, even forest health concerns.
Users can also connect to the agency’s social media pages, get questions answered, and submit anonymous tips, photos, and other information.
The free mobile application can be found for IOS users on iTunes and Google Play for Android users and by searching Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management.
For more information, contact Tiffany Davila at 602-540-1036 or by email at tdavila@dffm.az.gov
Helpful Information
Wildfire Risk Reduction - 10 Safety Tips
Every year, wildfires burn across the U.S., and more and more people are living where wildfires are a real risk. But by working together, residents can make their own property much safer!
How to make a home fire escape plan
Your ability to get out of your home during a fire depends on advance warning from smoke alarms and advance planning. Pull together everyone in your household and make a plan.
Smoke alarm safety tip sheet
Smoke alarms are a key part of a home fire escape plan. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. Working smoke alarms give you early warning so you can get outside quickly.
Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide
Covers the impact of wildfires on structures made with asbestos that include;
- What to Do During Wildfires
- Wildfires and Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestos Exposure Prevention Tips for Wildfires
- Helpful Tips Before and During a Wildfire
- Cleaning After a Wildfire
Full details can be found on this page:
Structure Protection Strategies in the Wildland/Urban Interface
National Fire Protection Association
Understanding Fire Behavior in the Wildland/Urban Interface
National Fire Protection Association
Safer From the Start: Developing a Firewise Community
National Fire Protection Association