Pinetop-Lakeside Fire Department Newsletter – 12/1/20

So we are in the process of working properties (inspections and mitigation work)up to number 369 on the list – last year at this time we were on approx. 90. There are currently 800 property owners signed up for mitigation thinning work. To date, we have completed approximately 345 properties.

We are planning to do our annual Firewise Event next year in July –  The ongoing COVID situation will determine to what extent or how we deliver the program.  

On November 9th, Chief Morgan participated a conference call with ADEM and Navajo County EM regarding updates to our pre-disaster mitigation grant application. We need to provide some additional information regarding scope of work so that FEMA can finalize environmental contractor scope of work plans. We are hopeful that tis grant will finally come to a funding status to complete approximately 60 acres of mitigation work. This grant will be very beneficial for our district.

We are also working on a Ready Set Go Grant that will help with establishing evacuation Exit Routes in our Community and a tabletop exercise, this grant will help with the establishment and getting the word out to residents.

On October 26th ,Chief Morgan  attended the White Mountain Fire Restriction Coordination Group meeting. Forest conditions were reviewed and Stage 1 Fire Restrictions were implemented. 

On November 9th, He attended the White Mountain Fire Restriction Coordination Group meeting. Forest conditions were reviewed and Stage 1 Fire Restrictions were rescinded. The group will discontinue future meetings until the spring unless forest conditions decline again indicating an increase in a potential for wildfire.

The fuels crew staffing currently sits at 12 personnel primarily being funded by mitigation grants and wildfire responses. With the addition of the two personnel identified above, our crew will be 14 and meet the required qualifications for the Type 2 IA hand crew status. This development builds on the 10-person suppression module that we had listed as a resource with the Division of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM) last season. This now position the PFD to have a full 18-20-person crew for wildland suppression and project work locally and for extended fire attack assignments. 

On November 13th, Chief Morgan was the Keynote speaker for “Healthy Forests, Healthy Watershed” symposium presenting what it means to be a fire adapted community. 

The 2020 WFHF 90/10 grant agreement is in process which will maintain financial assistance to property owners through the end of 2021.  We have also submitted the 2020 Western Bark Beetle 50/50 grant and are awaiting to hear if our project has been selected.